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Care throughout your journey, 
Pregnancy  to  Postpartum.

You may be wondering.. what the heck is a doula?!


And if you are, you are most definitely not alone.


A doula is a woman who is trained to provide physical, emotional and informational support to mothers-to-be and their partners throughout labour, birth, postpartum, and really just the entire journey along the way.

Doulas work alongside physicians, midwives, nurses, and birth partners, and are endorsed by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Certified doulas are considered to be part of the obstetric team- they help couples reduce obstetrical intervention through both informational and emotional support to maximize the satisfaction of the birthing experience.


What's the difference between a midwife and a doula?​

Simply put, doulas do not provide any clinical tasks.

A doula's role is to provide explanations of medical procedures, informational support during pregnancy and postpartum around the clock. They provide suggestions for positioning during labour and birth, massage/physical touch support and other non-pharmacological pain relief measures. They give encouragement, assistance with feeding preparation and beginnings, and most importantly, a constant nurturing, helpful and objective care. As well, they can provide first-hand knowledge and understanding of what the labouring mother is going through, benefiting both the mother and her partner.

Numerous studies have shown that the presence of a doula at a birth results in up to:


reduction in cesarean rates


shorter labour times​

41 min

40% reduction in forcep deliveries*


decrease in negative birth experiences

less use of pain medication


reduction in oxytocin (pitocin) use



increase in breastfeeding


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"My baby trusts me & I trust this process."

I  affirm that...

When should I hire a doula?
The earlier the better. Typically, the beginning of your third trimester is a good time to have your doula secured by. We often recommend that you start your search in your second trimester, talk to and interview a couple of doulas, and really determine who is the best fit for you. You deserve someone you feel an easy connection with and someone who you feel fits your personality and needs.
How does a birth doula work with my partner?
A common question we get is, "Will my partner feel left out?" Honestly, this is a very valid question. Many think that a doula takes the role of the partner when, in fact, our role supports them as well. We firmly believe that our role as your doula is to amplify support, and that goes for your partner too. We have worked with many different birthing partners, yet they all have one thing in common: Your partner knows you better than anyone else. Even if they aren't sure how to support you in labour/birth, they know your fears, preferences and desires. We work with your partner by encouraging them, offering guidance and suggestions when needed, reminding them to also stay hydrated and to take bathroom breaks, and more. If your partner has witnessed birth before, they still deserve support and the comfort in knowing they are supported as well.
How do I find the right doula for me?
Trust your gut. Does the doula's personality and style fit you and your partner? Do you vibe well with the doula? Decide what you are looking for and if the doula can support you the way you wish. Doulas often acquire additional training and certification for techniques and options. Interview more than one doula as the client - doula relationship should feel connected and trusting. When you feel the connection... go for it! It will be your best decision!
It would be my honour to be a part of your journey.
Contact me for more details on how I can best support you.

"Our doula is one of the most wonderful people Sam and I have ever met. Jack's birth was long and very unpredictable at times, but her support kept us going. If you are considering any support during pregnancy and birth, I would highly recommend @shan_d_doula."

Laura, New Serepta, Alberta

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